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Robot Dogs Take Another Step Towards Deployment at the Border

Estados Unidos prueba “perros robots” para cuidar la frontera con México

The American Southwest is a region that blends a harsh landscape, temperature extremes and various other non-environmental threats that can create dangerous obstacles for those who patrol the border. The territory is vast and monitoring it is critical to our nation’s security. That’s why the Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) is offering U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) a helping hand (or “paw”) with new technology that can assist with enhancing the capabilities of CBP personnel, while simultaneously increasing their safety downrange.

S&T has a deep understanding of CBP’s technology needs in the field. In its role as the research and development arm of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), S&T is always identifying solutions to support the complex CBP mission. For instance, S&T is currently supplementing CBP’s bipedal human personnel with quadruped mechanical reinforcements to help the agency better allocate resources. In this case, Man’s best friend comes with a very futuristic twist.

The goal of the program is to leverage technology to force-multiply the CBP presence, as well as reduce human exposure to life-threatening hazards.

Due to the demands of the region, adding quadruped mechanical reinforcements is a smart use of resources. Despite the dangers, and maybe even using them as cover, there are many types of illegal activity that happen in the harsh border zones.





El DHS (Departamento de Seguridad Nacional) informó a través de un artículo, que se encuentra realizando pruebas con robots en forma de perro para patrullar la frontera ya que “puede ser un sitio inhóspito para los humanos y los animales”, razón por la que considera que las máquinas pueden ser de utilidad en la zona.

Desarrollados por la dirección de Ciencia y Tecnología de la dependencia, en conjunto con la compañía Ghost Robotics,con sede en Pennsylvania, los prototipos pesan alrededor de 45 kilos y están equipados con cámaras y motores que les permiten desplazarse por el terreno desértico, en donde las temperaturas pueden alcanzar los 120°F, que equivalen a los 48.8° Centígrados.

Las máquinas fueron diseñadas por el programa AGSV (Automated Ground Surveillance Vehicles) con el objetivo de “reducir la exposición humana a condiciones que pueden poner en riesgo la vida”, y tienen la capacidad de recorrer todo tipo de terreno, ya sea arena, rocas, montañas o escaleras.



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