Human InterestMid-SouthNewsReligion

Casa Church Holds Their Monthly Free “Taquiza” on Summer Avenue

Casa Church realiza su taquiza gratuita mensual en la avenida Summ


MEMPHIS, TN (LPL) — Every third Tuesday of the month during the months with nice weather, Casa Church held its “taquiza” event for the community, this time it was on Summer Avenue.

From 6 p.m. Members of the local Casa Church, led by Pastor Roberto Rodríguez, were serving free tacos in a parking lot in a commercial area on popular Summer Avenue.

All passers-by and the general public were invited to eat free tacos and spend a while with the parishioners of the church who were present with their families and acquaintances.

We could see police officers, garden workers, homeless people and people who were just passing by enjoying the tacos that Casa Church was distributing.

Arturo Colunga, a member of the Casa Church, commented that it was an opportunity for anyone who wanted to meet people and that during the winter Casa Church distributes clothing, coats, hot drinks and basic necessities.




MEMPHIS, TN (LPL) — Cada tercer martes del mes durante los meses con clima agradable, Casa Church llevó a cabo su evento de taquiza para la comunidad, esta vez fue en la avenida Summer.

Desde las 6 p.m. miembros de la iglesia local Casa Church, liderados por el pastor Roberto Rodríguez, estuvieron sirviendo tacos gratis en un estacionamiento de un área comercial sobre la popular avenida Summer.

Todo transeúnte y público en general era invitado a comer tacos gratis y convivir un rato con los feligreses de la iglesia que estuvieron presentes junto a sus familias y conocidos.

Pudimos ver agentes de policía, trabajadores de jardinería, personas en condición de calle y gente que solo pasaba por esos rumbos disfrutar de los tacos que Casa Church estaba distribuyendo.

Arturo Colunga, un miembro de la iglesia mencionada comentó que era una oportunidad para cualquiera que quisiera conocer gente y que durante el invierno Casa Church reparte ropa, abrigos, bebidas calientes y artículos de necesidad básica.


Photo: Rafael Figueroa/LPL

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