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Church Health invita a toda la comunidad a cuidarse el uno al otro el 28 de agosto


Church Health Invites Entire community to Care for One Another on August 28


MEMPHIS, TN (LPL/CH) — Church Health, una organización sin fines de lucro basada en la fe que brinda atención médica y servicios integrales de salud a personas con poco o ningún acceso a una atención médica asequible, organizará su primer Día de Donaciones el 28 de agosto e invita a toda la comunidad a unirse a un conjunto creciente de embajadores que están comprometidos a ayudar a los más necesitados en o llamando al 901.701.2000.

Durante más de 30 años, Church Health ha brindado atención médica a más de 70.000 personas a través de un modelo integral de servicios médicos y de bienestar que incluye atención primaria y especializada, odontología, optometría, nutrición, fisioterapia, movimiento, atención urgente y salud mental/comportamiento. Los pacientes son atendidos a través de una amplia y generosa red de proveedores de atención médica, instituciones y socios.

Desde su traslado a Crosstown Concourse en el 2017, las visitas de pacientes de Church Health han aumentado un 17% y la demanda de servicios continúa creciendo. “Church Health Giving Day demostrará que cada pequeño obsequio puede sumarse para marcar una gran diferencia en las vidas de los necesitados”, explica el Dr. Scott Morris, fundador y CEO. “Hemos sido bendecidos por contar con personas increíblemente generosas que han apoyado por años nuestra misión, e invitamos a todos a unirse a la familia de Church Health para que se preocupen por la salud de los demás”.


Para participar en “Giving Day” y mantenerse informado sobre Church Health:




MEMPHIS, TN (CH) —  Church Health, a faith-based, non-profit organization that provides medical care and whole-health services to individuals with little or no access to affordable healthcare, will host its inaugural Giving Day on August 28, and invites the entire community to join a growing set of ambassadors committed to helping those in need at or by calling 901.701.2000.

For more than 30 years, Church Health has provided care to more than 70,000 people through a comprehensive model of medical and wellness services including primary and specialty care, dentistry, optometry, nutrition, physical therapy, movement, urgent care and behavioral health. Patients are served through a vast and generous network of healthcare providers, institutions and partners.

Since their relocation to Crosstown Concourse in 2017, Church Health patient visits have increased 17% and the demand for services continues to grow. “Church Health Giving Day will demonstrate that each small gift can add up to make a big difference in the lives of those in need,” explains Dr. Scott Morris, Founder and CEO. “We have been blessed to have some incredibly generous and caring people faithfully support our mission throughout the years, and we invite everyone to join the Church Health family in caring for one another.”


To participate in Giving Day and stay informed about Church Health:

GIVE by August 28 at or call 901.701.2000.

Visit to print, post and share Giving Day tips and tools

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Follow Church Health on Facebook at

Follow Church Health on Twitter at @ChurchHealth901 and Instagram at @churchhealthmemphis and use the Giving Day campaign hashtag #GiveChurchHealth

For general information, including patient information and health resources, visit

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