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Departamento de Salud del Condado de Shelby responde a casos de hepatitis A

The Shelby County Health Department Responds to Hepatitis A Cases

SHELBY COUNTY, TN (LPL/SCHD) — El Departamento de Salud del Condado de Shelby está investigando y trabajando agresivamente para contener la hepatitis A, ahora que se han reportado tres casos en el condado durante el mes de noviembre. Se sospecha que los casos están asociados con un brote de la enfermedad en otras regiones del estado. Este año, se han reportado 491 casos en Tennessee. La mayoría de los casos han sido en Nashville y Chattanooga. Según informes, un paciente murió de la enfermedad en Tennessee.

La hepatitis A generalmente se transmite de persona a persona a través del contacto con heces contaminadas o el consumo de alimentos o agua contaminados. Los síntomas incluyen fiebre, dolor abdominal, diarrea, náuseas o vómitos, orina oscura, pérdida de peso y piel y ojos amarillos. Los que corren mayor riesgo de contraer la hepatitis A son los usuarios de drogas recreativas, los hombres que tienen relaciones sexuales con hombres, las personas recientemente encarceladas y las personas sin hogar.

“El Departamento de Salud del Condado de Shelby está investigando a todas las personas que pueden haber estado en contacto con los pacientes de hepatitis A durante su período infeccioso y les ofrece vacunas gratuitas contra el virus. Si se administra dentro de los 14 días de la exposición, la vacuna es altamente efectiva para prevenir la infección “, dijo la Directora de Salud, Alisa Haushalter. “Además, el Departamento de Salud está ofreciendo vacunas gratuitas contra la hepatitis A a las poblaciones que están especialmente en riesgo de contraer la hepatitis A.”

Cualquier persona que crea que puede estar en riesgo puede recibir una vacuna gratuita contra la hepatitis A en cualquiera de las siguientes clínicas de salud pública, sin cita previa, de lunes a viernes, entre las 9:00 a.m. y las 3:30 p.m.


Cawthon Public Health Clinic

1000 Haynes, 38114


Collierville Public Health Clinic (martes y jueves, 9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.)

167 Washington St., 38017


Hickory Hill Public Health Clinic

6590 Kirby Center Cove, 38118


Immunization Clinic

814 Jefferson, Rm. 216, 38105


Millington Public Health Clinic

8225 Highway 51 North, 38053


Packer Clinic

814 Jefferson, Room 221, 38105


Shelby Crossing Public Health Clinic

6170 Macon Road, 38133


Southland Mall Public Health Clinic

1287 Southland Mall, 38116




SHELBY COUNTY, TN (SCHD) — The Shelby County Health Department is investigating and aggressively working to contain hepatitis A now that three cases have been reported in the county during the month of November. The cases are suspected to be associated with an outbreak of the disease in other regions of the state. This year, there have been 491 cases reported in Tennessee. The majority of cases have been in Nashville and Chattanooga. One patient has reportedly died of the illness in Tennessee.

Hepatitis A is usually transmitted from person to person through contact with contaminated feces or consumption of contaminated food or water. Symptoms include fever, abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea or vomiting, dark urine, weight loss and yellow skin and eyes. Those most at-risk for hepatitis A are recreational drug users, men who have sex with men, the recently incarcerated, and people experiencing homelessness.

“The Shelby County Health Department is investigating all persons who may have been in contact with the hepatitis A patients during their infectious period and offering them free vaccinations against the virus. If given within 14 days of exposure, the vaccine is highly effective in preventing infection,” said Health Director Alisa Haushalter. “Additionally, the Health Department is offering free hepatitis A vaccinations to populations who are especially at-risk for hepatitis A.”

Anyone who believes they may be at risk may receive a free hepatitis A vaccination at any of the following public health clinics, without an appointment, Monday-Friday, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m.


Cawthon Public Health Clinic

1000 Haynes, 38114


Collierville Public Health Clinic (Tuesday and Thursday, 9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.)

167 Washington St., 38017


Hickory Hill Public Health Clinic

6590 Kirby Center Cove, 38118


Immunization Clinic

814 Jefferson, Rm. 216, 38105


Millington Public Health Clinic

8225 Highway 51 North, 38053


Packer Clinic

814 Jefferson, Room 221, 38105


Shelby Crossing Public Health Clinic

6170 Macon Road, 38133


Southland Mall Public Health Clinic

1287 Southland Mall, 38116


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