Parents, Community Members Call for Closing of Memphis Charter School Amid Investigation
MEMPHIS, TN (LPL/Commercial Appeal) — Varios padres y miembros de la comunidad están pidiendo el cierre inmediato de una escuela charter local.
Nueve manifestantes, incluidos dos padres que recientemente retiraron a sus hijos de esa escuela, sostuvieron carteles y cantaron fuera de Southwest Early College High School a partir de las 10 a.m.del lunes.
“Esta escuela necesita cerrar”, dijo el grupo al unísono. “¿Cuándo lo queremos? ¡Ahora!.”
Southwest Early College High School, administrada por Artesian Schools Inc., comenzó a operar en el año escolar 2017-18. Su solicitud de estatuto fue aprobada en una votación de 5-4 durante una reunión especial el 23 de agosto de 2016, durante la cual se aprobaron otras cuatro solicitudes de estatuto y se rechazaron tres.
Varios de los manifestantes son parte de la organización non profit Memphis Lift, un grupo de defensa de los padres. Esta es la primera vez en los cuatro años de historia del grupo que ellos han pedido que se cierre una escuela, dijeron los miembros en la protesta.
Shelby County Schools está investigando formalmente la escuela desde el 5 de septiembre, según un correo electrónico enviado a un padre que compartió con la publicación The Commercial Appeal.
La escuela citó “dolores de crecimiento” pero prometió su apoyo a los estudiantes y las familias “aprovechando esta oportunidad única”.
Los padres, estudiantes y un ex maestro de Southwest Early College High School expresaron sus preocupaciones sobre la escuela en una reunión de la junta escolar a fines de agosto. Dijeron que los estudiantes no tenían horarios finales y que la escuela no contaba con el personal adecuado ni cumplía su compromiso de proporcionar un camino para que los estudiantes obtuvieran un título de asociado al graduarse de la escuela secundaria.
MEMPHIS, TN (Commercial Appeal) — Several parents and community members are calling for the immediate closing of a local charter school.
Nine protesters, including two parents who recently withdrew their children from the school, held signs and chanted outside Southwest Early College High School beginning at 10 a.m. Monday.
“This school needs to close,” the group said in unison. “When do we want it? Now.”
Southwest Early College High School, which is managed by Artesian Schools Inc., began operating in the 2017-18 school year. Its charter application was approved in a 5-4 vote during a special meeting Aug. 23, 2016, during which four other charter applications were approved and three were denied.
Several of the protesters are part of Memphis Lift, a parent advocacy group. This is the first time in the group’s four-year history that the group has called for a school to close, members said at the protest.
Shelby County Schools was formally investigating the school as of Sept. 5, according to an email to a parent shared with The Commercial Appeal.
The school cited “growing pains” but pledged its support to students and families “taking advantage of this unique opportunity.”
Parents, students and a former teacher at Southwest Early College High School voiced concerns about the school at a school board meeting at the end of August. They said students didn’t have final schedules and the school was not properly staffed or fulfilling its commitment to providing a pathway for students to earn an associate degree upon graduation from high school.