Crime & JusticeEducationMid-South

Perros entrenados para olfatear explosivos, drogas y alcohol patrullan Houston High School

Dogs Trained to Sniff for Explosives, Drugs, and Alcohol Patrolling Houston High School

GERMANTOWN, TN (LPL/ — Perros están ayudando a mantener a los estudiantes seguros en Houston High School, según la Junta Escolar Municipal de Germantown. Contrataron Interquest K-9 para usar perros entrenados para olfatear explosivos, balas, drogas y más.

En este momento, el contrato es solo para el estacionamiento, pero las autoridades dicen que podría ajustarse en el futuro para incluirlo dentro de la escuela.

“Queremos que sea un desincentivo para los estudiantes también. No se trata de atrapar a esas personas. Se trata de disuadir a esas personas de traer armas, alcohol y drogas a la escuela “, dijo Jason Manuel, Superintendente de las Escuelas Municipales de Germantown.

El distrito también trabaja con el Departamento de Policía de Germantown. Usan sus K-9 dentro de las escuelas.




GERMANTOWN, TN ( — Dogs are helping to keep students safe at Houston High School, according to the Germantown Municipal School Board. They hired an Interquest K-9 to use trained dogs to sniff for explosives, bullets, drugs, and more.

Right now, the contract is only for the parking lot, but officials say it could be adjusted in the future to include inside the school.

“We want it to be a disincentive for students also. It’s not about catching those individuals. It’s about discouraging those individuals from bringing weapons, alcohol, and drugs to school,” said Jason Manuel, Superintendent for Germantown Municipal Schools.

The district also works with the Germantown Police Department. They use their K-9s inside schools.

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