Human InterestImmigrationMid-South

Mississippi: liberan a inmigrantes detenidos en redadas

Immigration: Nearly Half of Those Arrested in Raid Released

JACKSON, MS (AP) — Decenas de trabajadores inmigrantes detenidos en la mayor redada de los últimos 10 años en Estados Unidos quedaron en libertad el jueves.

Funcionarios de la policía de inmigración y aduanas ICE dijeron que los arrestos en las redadas del miércoles sumaron 680.

Pero abogados de inmigración dijeron que decenas de personas quedaron en libertad el jueves por la mañana. Se desconocían las condiciones de su liberación y si se encontraban en el país con o sin autorización. ICE no respondió a los pedidos de declaraciones.

Las autoridades habían dicho el miércoles que liberarían a mujeres embarazadas y a las personas sin antecedentes de inmigración.

La abogada defensora Karla Vazquez-Elmore dijo que incluso las personas que no fueron arrestadas estaban aterradas.




MORTON, MS (AP) — A spokesman for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement says nearly half of those arrested during the largest immigration raid in a decade in the United States have been released.

In an email Thursday, Bryan Cox said more than 300 of the 680 people arrested Wednesday have been released from custody. He says about 30 were released at the plants and about 270 others were released from the military hangar where they had been brought after the raids to be processed.

He did not say why they were let go except to say those released at the plants had been let go due to “humanitarian factors.”

He said they “were placed into proceedings before the federal immigration courts and will have their day in court at a later date.”

Officials had said Wednesday that they would release detainees who met certain conditions, such as pregnant women or those who hadn’t faced immigration proceedings previously.

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