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Siguen los problemas con los maceteros en Highland Strip

Problems With the Planters in the Highland Strip Continue

MEMPHIS, TN (LPL) — Los maceteros y señales de transito que confunden a los conductores en la avenida Highland siguen sufriendo impactos.

Maceteros de concreto sin el color llamativo que los haría visibles a los que manejan por la Highland Strip han sido objeto de constante criticismo y sobre todo de daño físico por vehículos que apenas alcanzan a esquivarlos.

Aunque están junto a barriles coloridos, los maceteros no son muy visibles en la horas nocturnas.

La medida de colocarlos se decidió para disminuir la velocidad vehicular, sobre todo por el tráfico peatonal del área cercana a la Universidad de Memphis y la denominada Highland Strip, un área comercial que goza popularidad.



MEMPHIS, TN (LPL) — Planters and traffic signs that confuse drivers on Highland Avenue continue to suffer impacts.

Concrete planters without the striking color that would make them visible to those who drive on the Highland Strip have been the subject of constant criticism and especially physical damage by vehicles that barely manage to dodge them.

Although they are next to colorful barrels, the planters are not very visible in the night hours.

The measure of placing them was decided to reduce vehicular speed, especially by pedestrian traffic in the area near the University of Memphis and the so-called Highland Strip, a commercial area that enjoys popularity.

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