
Vicepresidente Pence visitará Memphis para MLK Holiday

Vice President Pence to Visit Memphis for MLK Holiday

MEMPHIS, TN (LPL/WMC) — El vicepresidente Mike Pence visitará Memphis para las celebraciones del Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Según el representante del estado de Tennessee, Antonio Parkinson, Pence asistirá al servicio en la Holy City Church of God..

Las carreteras cerca del área se cerrarán de 9 a.m. a 1 p.m. las iglesias en el área de Raleigh se les ha dicho que los servicios dominicales podrían verse afectados.




MEMPHIS, TN (WMC) — Vice President Mike Pence is set to visit the Bluff City Sunday for the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday.

According to Tennessee State Rep. Antonio Parkinson, Pence will attend service at Holy City Church of God.

Roads near the area will be shut down from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Churches in the Raleigh area have been told that Sunday services could be impacted.

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